For a future
worth living.

ECOFIDES supports you on your path to long-term impact.

With our interdisciplinary team and large network of partners, we offer inclusive solutions from a single source.

Our references

Our Offer


360° sustainability consulting is our DNA.

Your goal is to remain competitive, minimize risks and ensure success for your company. As competent advisors, we support you on your path to doing your business responsibly.

We consult you throughout the whole process with individually designed solutions starting from strategy development to implementation, evaluation and communication.


We measure outcome and impact.

We analyze the ecological and economic effects of your products and services over the entire lifecycle. We create key performance indicators that are easy to incorporate into your decision making process and reporting:
+ Carbon footprint of products and companies according to ISO 14067 and GHG protocol on the path to carbon neutrality
+ Comprehensive Life Cycle Assessment (ISO 14044)

Die Grafik zeigt den Beratungskreislauf der ECOFIDES in sieben Schritten. Schritt eins Bestandsanalyse und Potenzialerhebung. Schritt zwei Zielsetzung. Strategie und Maßnahmenplan. Schritt drei Wirkungsabschätzung. Schritt vier Umsetzung. Schritt fünf Wirkungsanalyse und Kennzahlenbildung. Schritt sechs Reporting. Zertifizierung und Kommunikation. Schritt sieben Evaluierung und Optimierung. Der Kreislauf wird in grünen Linien mit Pfeilen dargestellt. In den Kreislauf eingebettet sind die bunten Icons der 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Diese bilden den Kontext und zeigen die inhaltliche Breite des Beratungsansatzes.

ECOFIDES Consulting Cycle

Our consulting approach is based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations. 



Building trust through transparency  - with customers, suppliers, investors and employees.

The sustainability report communicates your company's contribution to sustainable development.  It provides stakeholders with an overview of past performance and impact and hints to future options. By the way: the bonus for top management will also depend on the achievement of sustainability targets very shortly.

We are happy to support you with your sustainability reporting according to international standards (GRI, UN Global Compact and special industry standards).


We are happy to support you on your way to certification.

+ Austrian Ecolabel (UZ200, UZ62, UZ82)
+ EU Ecolabel
+ Environmental management systems according to
    ISO 14001
+ More certifications upon request


Understanding and using regulations.

The EU is putting sustainability reporting for companies on a new footing. In addition to expanding the scope of application, the requirements for reporting format, reporting standards and the depth of the information to be reported are becoming more stringent. Moreover, companies will have to have their report externally audited and to integrate it into the management report.

With us, you can be sure to comply with the complex disclosure requirements - and use them as a targeted communication tool to all stakeholders.

We advise you on current regulations such as the CSRD, the EU Taxonomy Directive as well as the CSDDD. We help you with "tagging" and analyzing the "delegated acts" with you, which specify exactly what data you have to collect and report in your language.

We are happy to support you in the implementation of the technical criteria, in the creation and management of key performance indicators, right through to the finished sustainability report. In doing so, you will benefit from our many years of technical implementation expertise.

Concepts and initiatives

To create our future together, we provide you with expertise in:

+ Creating future-oriented concepts
+ Developing sustainable products and industry
+ Supervising initiatives
+ Designing and holding sustainability workshops

Green Event Management

We are experienced green event consultants.

We support you with your events in
+ Developing strategies and tactics
+ Supervising events
+ Consulting for certification with the Austrian Ecolabel for
   Green Meetings and Green Events (see Certifications)

Our network

Sustainability is teamwork

SABRINA HOFMEISTER (ehem. Lichtnegger)

+ Scientist
+ Sustainability expert
+ Certified waste manager
+ Listed environment advisor

“The only constant in life is change.” - Heraklitus
Maxi Festa, Ecofides


+ Tax advisor
+ Chartered Accountant
+ Expert before Court

“Everyone's a winner”
Martin Buchegger, Ecofides


+ Business manager
+ Certified controller and risik manager
+ Lecturer

“Together we accomplish more.”


+ Sustainability advisor
+ BSc Bioeconomy

"What we do today decides what the world will look like tomorrow" - Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

Picture: Christina Englmair


+ Sustainability advisor
+ Scientist
   (Environmental and bioresource management with focus on water)
+ Certified waste manager

"We cannot change the wind, but we can set the sails differently" - Aristotle

Profilpicture Elena Knorr, Ecofides


+ Lawyer
+ Environmental fundings
+ Data research and analysis

"Teamwork is the key to success"

Harald Ladinig


+ Sustainability advisor
+ Structural engineer
+ Project management expert
+ Expert in quality, environmental and energy management

"Ultimately, we only preserve what we love, we only love what we understand and we understand what we are taught"

Marco Mathera

+ Sustainability advisor
+ Expert in regional development and sustainable tourism planning

“The world changes by your example and not by your opinion” - Paulo Coelho

Clara Reitan

+ Sustainability advisor
+ Expert in destination development and transport planning

“We've never tried that before, so I'm sure it will work well." - Astrid Lindgren

ECOFIDES Consulting GmbH
Haizingergasse 47
1180 Vienna

Please use public transport:
Trams 40, 41 to Aumannplatz stop


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